Since beginning my Masters program in Software Development. I have made it a mission of mine to digest as much information as I possibly can from various Software Engineer professionals. As someone with a limited background in programming. I have made it my mission to ensure I fully immerse myself in programming by watching and practicing from various other tutorials, lectures, and materials on the web. I want to ensure that I do not fall behind in my classes and that I come ready and prepared each week to the new material.

That being said the work I produce is very beginner-like at the moment, and for someone who is 27 years old and desperately trying to change his career field… Posting basic programming languages feels scary. It feels minuscule compared to the work I can produce in my other fields of expertise.

That being said I came to the realization today thanks to a conversation I had with a recent Software Engineer graduate…


It doesn’t matter how many lines or how complex the project is. The number one thing that future employers and other networking peers want to see is growth. If you only post your best and brightest project. No one can see the steps you took to get there. We are all human, we all start somewhere.

That conversation gave me the renewed energy to log on to my GitHub account which I haven’t been on since its first creation back in 2016, and finally post my first few projects. Again nothing large by any means. Two simple Python algorithms. The first gives an Estimated Monthly Mortgage payment based on the data the user provides. The second project is another Python project that showcases real-time Ethereum Value in USD.

Mortgage Converter

#User Entry Field
print (“n”)
print (“Welcome to the Mortgage Calculator”)
total_price = int(input(“Enter the Total Purchase Price of House: $”))
down_payment = int(input (“Enter your Down Payment Amount: $”))
loan_length = int(input(“Length of Loan (Years): “))
interest_rate = str(input (“Interest Rate: % “))
property_tax = int(input(“Property tax: + $”))
home_insurance = int (input (“Homeowner’s Insurance: + $”))
pmi = int(input(“PMI: + $”))
hoa_fees = int(input(“HOA Monthly Fee: + $”))

rate_conversion = float(interest_rate) / int(100) #converts rate % to decimal
annual_interest = (float(rate_conversion) / int(12)) #converts rate decimal to yearly
loan_principal= (total_price – down_payment)
number_of_payments = (loan_length * int(12))
principal_and_interest = loan_principal * (annual_interest * (1 + annual_interest)**number_of_payments) / ((1 + annual_interest)**number_of_payments – 1)
total_monthly_payment = principal_and_interest + property_tax + pmi + hoa_fees

#Cost Breakdown
print (“n”)
print (“Monthly Payment Breakdown”)
print (“Principal & Interest: $” + str(round(principal_and_interest, 2)))
print (“Property Tax: $” + str(property_tax))
print (“Homeowner’s Insurance: $” + str(home_insurance))
print (“PMI: $” + str(pmi))
print (“HOA Fees: $” + str(hoa_fees))
print (“TOTAL MONTHLY PAYMENT= $” + str(round(total_monthly_payment, 2)))
print (“n”)

Ethereum Converter

#Binance API ETH Feed
import requests
key = “” # key
data = requests.get(key) # requesting data from
data = data.json()

print (“n”)
print(“Current Ethereum Value”)
print (f”{data[‘symbol’]}: 1 ETH Coin = ${data[‘price’]}”)
ethereum_purchase = input (“Would you like to buy Etherium? (Y or N): “) #Asks user if they want to purchase

if ethereum_purchase.upper () == “Y”: #User Accepts

while True:

coin_purchase = int(input(“How many coins would you like to buy?: “))
print (f”ETH Trade of {coin_purchase} Coins @ {data[‘price’]}/coin = ${coin_purchase * float(data[‘price’])}”)
purchase_confirmation = input(f”Confirm ETH Trade Acqusition? (Y or N): “)

if purchase_confirmation.upper () == “Y”: #Purchase confirmed.
print (“Purchase Confirmed. Thank you!”); print (“n”)
break #Go back to Selection

else: #User declines purchase cost
restart = input (“Transaction Cancelled… Would you like to start over? (Y or N): “)

if restart.upper () == “Y”: #Transaction starts over
print (“n”)
print(“Current Ethereum Value”)
print (f”{data[‘symbol’]}: 1 ETH Coin = ${data[‘price’]}”)

print (“Thank you, Good Bye!”); print (“n”)
break #Exit Program

else: #User Declines to Purchase ETH Coins
print(“Thank you, Goodbye!”)

exit () #Exit Program